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Monday, November 18, 2013

Prince William Wants a Playstation!!!

The young royal was visiting BAFTA's headquarters [HUMPHREY NEMAR] 

PRINCE William got a sneak preview of the new PlayStation 4 today and confessed he would like to buy one - if his wife Kate lets him.

NORDSTROM - Shop kate spade HolidayThe Duke of Cambridge, who admitted he was an enthusiastic but useless gamer, was taken with the new £349.99 games console, which goes on sale in Britain on November 29.

 "It's very addictive," he said. "I'd like to get one but I'm not sure how my wife would feel about it."

He was at BAFTA's headquarters in Piccadilly to launch a new scheme to help, talented young movie and TV professionals and games designers develop their skills.

Endorsing the Give Something Back campaign, he said he was particularly pleased to see the leading lights of the games industry sharing their insights into the art of making games with schoolchildren. Click link for full post from EXPRESS.

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