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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Prince William and Kate: The Pressures of the Tour to Australia and New Zealand

Caption: Will Prince George repeat his father's famed 'crawlabout' of Auckland during the 1983 tour? Photo: Chris Jackson/Getty Images

With less than a month before the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge embark upon their first royal tour with young Prince George, the excitement in New Zealand and Australia is intense.

It is also mutual. Prince William has already let it be known that Catherine will “fall in love” with both territories “every bit as much as he did some years ago”.

The pair are set for an exciting three and a half weeks – the itinerary released last week will see the Duke and Duchess watch a skateboarding display in Adelaide and race each other in yachts across Auckland Harbour – and it is unlikely that the visit will be anything other than a resounding success.

The Cambridges are great ambassadors for Britain; they represent the future. But the triumph of their coming tour will be due in no small part to the lessons learned by other royals on previous, less assured Antipodean tours. Click link for full post from The Telegraph.

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