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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Prince William and Kate Attend Future Focus Lunch

Caption: The royal couple were in Christchurch to pay their respects to victims of the 2011 earthquake [SPLASH]

Inside the museum's main exhibition hall housing historic military aircraft, the couple joined 500 people at a Future Focus lunch, organised by the Canterbury Employers' Chamber of Commerce to discuss ideas about how the city should be rebuilt.

Chamber of Commerce officials estimated the cost of rebuilding the city at 50 billion New Zealand dollars (£25 billion) including £10 million for housing and £7 billion for the central business district.

In his address the Duke also sympathised with the people of the Solomon Islands who have experienced two earthquakes in recent days and told the guest how during their tour they were "grateful for the way in which we have been made to feel so very welcome". Click link for full post from EXPRESS.

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