Kate Vows to Ban Prince George From Riding Motorcycles!
Caption: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge arrives at Dundee Rep Theatre Photo: Getty
The Duchess of Cambridge has vowed to ban
Prince George![](https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?source=bk&t=bao-20&bm-id=default&l=ktl&linkId=ccaabea4260df60fff2c1141269b8c48&_cb=1445725673697)
from riding motorbikes when he is older because Prince William's machines fill her with "horror".
The Duchess told well-wishers in Dundee that she hates it when the Duke of Cambridge rides his own motorbikes because she thinks they are too dangerous.
The royal couple were visiting the Scottish city in support of a festival which is challenging preconceived ideas about mental health.
Click link for full post from The Telegraph.
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