The £1,350 coat with a conscience: Meghan’s silk belted bow added a feminine touch to the masculine structure of the Stella McCartney coat – believed to cost £1,350. She’s a fan of the wrap style – this is the third we’ve seen her in – and often ties the knot slightly off-centre, which can stop the coat looking too bulky Shop the beautiful Stella McCartney coat from Harrods @
Harry and Meghan were particularly keen to see the work of StreetGames, which the prince has worked with previously, which works to make sport accessible to all young people, regardless of their social circumstances.
The couple were met by hoards of screaming crowds - which the Prince shook his head in shock on hearing.
they had a brief private meeting before going into the gym where a
group of local schoolgirls from the UsGirls project, set up to encourage
women to take part in sport, are on exercise bikes. Meghan, 36, wrapped up against the winter chill in a £1,350 tie detail coat by Stella McCartney
whose staunch stance against using fur and leather sits well with the animal lover's principles.
She chose a pair of black skinny jeans
from Welsh brand Hiut Denim, which provided the perfect touch of diplomatic dressing.
She chose a pair of black skinny jeans
Meghan wrapped up against the biting cold in a black coat by Stella McCartney
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