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Saturday, February 10, 2018

Fun Things You Didn't Know About Princess Charlotte and Prince George

Read More from The Cheat Sheet

Cath Kidston (UK) Prince George and Princess Charlotte can already speak another language.

The siblings’ nanny, Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo, is from Spain and has taught the children some Spanish.

Dynamic 120x240In 2017, The Duchess of Cambridge revealed that Borrallo was trying to teach Charlotte the language and that George already knew how count in Spanish.

Since then, the princess has learned how to say several phrases in Spanish.

The young prince really likes rainstorms, according to his mother.

While at the opening of a new Ronald McDonald house near Evelina London Children’s Hospital, Middleton met a 4-year-old boy named James Wheeler, who asked where George was.

The Duchess explained that her son was at school that day and when Wheeler started talking about a thunderstorm coming, she said, “Yes I know all about those. George likes storms too!”

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