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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sophie, Countess of Wessex Begins Tour of India

Sophie, Countess of Wessex began her week-long tour of India in earnest on Wednesday when she met with orphaned children living on the streets of Kolkata.

Following a welcoming ceremony in the country's eastern city Sophie, 48, met with children from Future Hope, an NGO that provides homes, schooling and medical care to come of Kolkata's most vulnerable children.

Prince Edward's wife is currently undertaking a week-long trip to India and Qatar with the sight-saving charity ORBIS.


On Thursday Sophie will visit ORBIS' Flying Eye Hospital, a DC-10 plane that performs surgery on those living in poverty-stricken areas, where she will watch cataract surgery and try her hand at the operation using a surgery simulator.Click link for full post from Hello Magazine.

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