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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Sophie, Countess of Wessex, Turns 50

Caption: Sophie with husband Edward and children Louise and James 

THE Countess of Wessex is more than just a regular riding companion for her mother-in-law, which is why she’s been given the highest seal of approval.

Like her sister-in-law Princess Anne before her, the Countess of Wessex – as Sophie became on marriage – wanted her children to able to grow up free from the public glare and media spotlight.

She and Edward have also managed to provide Lady Louise and James, Viscount Severn, now aged 11 and seven, with a stable family life. Edward is the only one of the Queen’s children not to have suffered a marriage break-up.

Today is Sophie’s 50th birthday, a significant milestone for a royal who continues to carry out her extensive public duties with diligence and usually well beneath the media radar.  Click link for full post from EXPRESS.

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