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Thursday, June 16, 2022

Duchess Kate hosted a Round-table Discussion on Early Childhood Development and its links to Mental Health with Senior Government Ministers

Duchess Kate hosted a Round-table Discussion on Early Childhood Development and its links to Mental Health with Senior Government Ministers
Caption:The Duchess of Cambridge was elegant in a baby pink blazer as she hosted a round-table discussion on the importance of early childhood development and its links to mental health with senior government ministers today

The mother-of-three swept her hair from her face, and showed off her natural beauty with a simple make-up look, pairing a light layer of foundation with smokey brown eye and pink lipstick. 

The roundtable discussion focused on forthcoming research led by the Centre into early childhood development, as well as new findings that show 91 per cent agree that early years are important to shaping a child's life. 

The Duchess has championed the cause since she joined the Royal Family and was a driving force behind a landmark study on perceptions of early childhood and its societal impact in 2020. Read more from the Daily Mail @


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